Hear that?
Hear that? It's called quiet. It's called peace.
It's called the hum of a distant boat motor -- and the lake water lapping at the shoreline.
It's the birds chirping -- and the crunch underfoot on your morning hike.
It's the sound a waterski makes as it cuts through glass.
It's called the sound of your fishing reel drag -- and the giggles of your favorite person.
It's s'mores over a crackling campfire -- and crickets chirping under a blanket of stars.
Hear that? It's called your next stay at Mockingbird Bay.
Cut through the noise in your life.
Hear that? ...It's called HERE.
See that?
See that? It's clear, clean, serene and pristine lake gorgeousness!
See the boat on the horizon and the bald eagles overhead?
See the biggest smile on your little one's face while they proudly hold up their first fish?
(Despite the blindingly sparkly water) See all the happy people putting on a bucketload of sunscreen?
See someone cracking open a cold one while fishing off the boat dock?
See the wet beach towels and homemade potato salad?
See a smokin' BBQ and your happy, relaxed family in a cabin?
See more fireflies and more stars than you can ever count!
...See that? It's called HERE.